This week I had the opportunity to work with Chris Douglass, who is the media specialist at Heritage High School. On the first day working with Chris, we installed a new microphone jack in the schools auditorium. This involved removing trim from around the stage (both on the floor and on the stage) in order to hide the wires. Holes were drilled into the trim at the top of the stage in move from the floor to the top of the stage. We then ran the wires and connected them to an electrical box located just off the stage.
Chris and I also went out to the school's baseball field to adjust speakers, test the sounds system, and install microphones.
On Friday, we had an in-service day. Administration did not have anything planned for us that day, so I took advantage and spent the day with our media specialist. We started our day by opening and setting up a new touch screen television that the school had purchased. We tested some of the functionality including video play and drawing. We determined that the television needed a speaker mounted on it, as it did not have an internal speaker included on it. The rest of my day was spent working on student Chromebooks that needed work. Many had issues that were above my level of expertise, but many had fixes that were more easily solved. I replaced keys, ran updates, replaced keyboards and several other easy fixes. I saw first hand how daunting the task is for our media specialist and technology specialist to keep up with the revolving door of issues with only two of them and over 900 student devices.
I set up our VR lab for a 7th grade social studies teacher and facilitated the use of it through the duration of the class. Initially, it took setting the teacher up with what she wanted for her students to see areas of Asia that they had been studying. From there the teacher ran most of the lab with some help from me along the way. Once the teacher caught the hang of it, she led the Google Expedition and I provided support for students who had issues with the headsets.
I spent the day with the Technology Integration Team with Dalton Public Schools including Nick Sun the Director of School Support and Kellie Erwin the Technology Integratiron for DPS. Kellie and Nick discussed having a single sign on for students and the feasibility of using Clever for that. There was an issue with Infinite Campus having student ID numbers that are too long for Clever to recognize. Nick and Kellie also discussed budgeting for sending teachers and media specialist to conferences. They also discussed implementing a system so that more teachers are able to attend. A mandated reporter course was built in Canvas for teachers to complete their mandated reporter training online. Kellie, Nick, and I looked at Everfi. This program allows students to learn more about money management and finances, health and wellness, and social emotional skills. We then looked at Gizmos which allows students to online lab simulations in science and math. It was determined that we liked the program. However, the price for a subscription is rather expensive. More research is going to be conducted to determine how many teachers use it, and if that it will be worth the cost.
A teacher in my school was interested in trying Gimkit. She had previously used Kahoot and Quizizz, but was unfamiliar with Gimkit. She gave me the questions that she wanted as a review. From there, I created a Gimkit and walked her through part of the process. I spent an hour with her in her first class of the day setting it up and running it. We used the classic version to begin with, but Gimkit has brought back humans vs. zombies game that existed before I used it. We also did a trial run with that game mode with her class.
I set up our VR lab for a 7th grade social studies teacher and facilitated the use of it through the duration of the class. Initially, it took setting the teacher up with what she wanted for her students to see areas of Asia that they had been studying. From there the teacher ran most of the lab with some help from me along the way. Once the teacher caught the hang of it, she led the Google Expedition and I provided support for students who had issues with the headsets.