Friday, June 1, 2018

Growth mindset

In reflecting on my initial goal for this course (INSERT GOAL!!!), I think that I have picked a goal that aligned well to this week’s resources.  I want students to be able to exercise the 3 components of digital fluency laid out in the article “Digital fluency: towards young people’s critical use of the internet” by Miller and Bartlett including Net-savviness, critical evaluative techniques and diversity.  What struck me is that this article was published in 2012, and not much has changed in the digital fluency capabilities of students.  If anything, it feels like it has gotten worse. 

In the video “The Power of Belief-Mindset and Success”, Eduardo Briceno discusses the differences between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset.  People with a growth mindset see failures and mistakes as an opportunity to learn and grow and intelligence as something that can be developed, while people with a fixed mindset believe that intelligence is fixed.  Briceno states that people with growth mindsets become more proficient at the skills that they are working on than those with growth mindsets.  My goal is to take this approach to information fluency skills for myself and my students.


  1. I also enjoyed the video "The power of Belief-Mindset and Success," and I am planning on showing parts of it to my class next year. I now realize that my successful students have a growth mindset, while my struggling students most often have a fixed mindset. I hate to see a kid give up when they realize that they are wrong. A mistake is a chance to try harder!

  2. I also found it interesting that the resources for this week aligned with my goals. I too talked about the three components of digital fluency from the article "Digital Fluency". I feel like we are working on those components in our classes now.

    Julie, I find it very interesting that you see a fixed mindset in your struggling students. I tend to see a fixed mindset in my reach or gifted students rather than my struggling students. They seem to think that everything should be easy for them and when they are faced with a challenge they just quit.


Practicum Weeks 11-12

3/9-3/12 During this week, things were moving pretty quickly as COVID-19 and preparations for school closing got into full swing.  Our wee...